Sharing My Learning Summary: A Video Summary of My Contributions to the Class

 Hello! 😊 My name is Amelia, and I'm sharing my learning experience for this course πŸ“š. Instead of writing a blog post, I made a video to chat and share what I've been doing throughout the class πŸŽ₯.

I joined the class a bit late and missed the first lesson πŸ˜”. During the second class, Cody and Megan filled me in on everything I missed, and I recommended two apps to help them with their project πŸ“².

Throughout the course, I've helped others in every breakout room, provided advice, and reminded them of deadlines ⏰. I helped my best friend Kylee, who was also in the class with me, and someone on Discord who asked about being an EA πŸ’».

I've also engaged in discussions on my blog and received feedback, which helped me improve my work πŸ’¬.

Overall, I'm pleased with the contributions I've made to the learning of others during this course 😌. Thank you for watching my video πŸ™. Check out my website for pictures of dogs 🐢! Enjoy the video! ASL you later, alligator! 🀟🐊


  1. Hi Amelia,

    I am honoured to have made your video! I am so happy you decided to take this course with me and I enjoyed having my best friend their to ask for help when needed. I loved hearing about your ASL learning project and enjoyed your blog posts tracking your journey. Have an awesome summer!!!


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